The first step is arriving.
Here at The Coterie, we offer four types of movement practices.

Kiesha B. teaches Peace, a Yin Yoga practice.
The intention of Peace is to slow down and to truly exist without expectation. Peace is a Yin Yoga practice that invites us to sit still for long periods of time, allowing us to surrender rather than relax.
The impact of this particular practice is on you as a whole. You will leave with a clearer mind and looser muscles, but you will also leave learning a little more about yourself. This practice is a teacher in itself.
Expect to hold poses for at least 3 to 5 minutes at a time. Props like bolsters, blocks and blankets will be used to make this practice more comfortable and more accessible. Feel free to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. Sweatshirts and socks are encouraged as this class is not heated.

Angie V. teaches Prana, a Vinyasa practice.
The intention of Prana (loosely translated as breath in Sanskrit) is to move in tandem with your breath and to harness it as a tool and a compass for your personal practice.
When the breath is comfortable, maybe go deeper or stay comfortable. When it gets shallow, pull back, rest and reset. Your breath is a guide if you let it be one.
This practice will impact your mind, body and breath all at once. By moving at a cadence that links breath to movement, you will challenge your endurance and your physical limits.
You will always walk away having learned something new - about the practice, about yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing.
Expect to strengthen and stretch, to move freely and to be still. This is our traditional vinyasa yoga practice, where vinyasa translates to “place in a special way”.
This means that each class and each teacher will be a unique experience. Wear things that are comfortable to move and sweat in, as this practice is heated by infrared heating panels to 85 degrees Fahrenheit from October 1st through Memorial Day. Classes are unheated from Memorial Day through September 30th. The summer heat is more than enough.
Props like blocks and straps are encouraged to make all postures conform to you, rather than you conforming to fit the postures.

Claudia C. teaches Power, a weighted practice.
Expect a combination of yoga postures alongside traditional HIIT elements like jumping jacks, squats and pushups. This class is taught to the beat of music and is choreographed start to finish by your teacher.
Weights 5 to 12lbs are offered, although every movement can be done without weights if you choose. The Power practice is done barefoot so that you can stay firmly connected to the earth.
This class is unheated, as we will move fiercely through the practice to create our own heat.
The intention of Power is to harness your own personal power and show you that you can do challenging things.
This class exists to show you your strength, both physically and mentally. Sometimes, weights need to be involved to show you just how strong you are.
The impact of this class will most likely be felt physically first and mentally second. An inevitable impact is caloric burn, improved cardiovascular endurance and stronger muscles. The more valuable impact will be on your mind, your self confidence and your energetic state.
You will feel exhilarated and exhausted, confident in your abilities, and more motivated to take on challenging tasks.
Peaceful Prana

Dee X., teaches Peaceful Prana, a slow flow practice.
The impact of Peaceful Prana is you, balanced. You feel the healthy tension of effort and ease within you, leaving you feeling restored and rejuvenated.
The intention of Peaceful Prana is to build appreciation for the relationship between work and rest, knowing neither is earned. They are simply equal partners in the relationship that is us.
Expect a class that is a blend of both worlds: movement and rest. Guided meditation, breath work, slower, engaging movements and longer holds bring you into the present moment. Glide into more restorative postures toward the end of class to give your body and mind the rest it deserves.
Props like bolsters, blankets and blocks are encouraged to create a support system and bring comfort to your practice.
This class is warm to create softness in the muscles but not warm enough to overwhelm.
No mat? No sweat. We have rentals for $3, but for your first class, it’s on us.
Your team

Wondering if we host private classes? Well, we do!
If you are interested in hosting a private class at The Coterie, submit our inquiry form below and get things started.
Pro tip: we book up quickly, so please plan ahead!