Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons


The impact of Peaceful Prana is you, balanced. You feel the healthy tension of effort and ease within you, leaving you feeling restored and rejuvenated.

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Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons


The intention of Peaceful Prana is to build appreciation for the relationship between work and rest, knowing neither is earned. They are simply equal partners in the relationship that is us.

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Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons Peaceful Prana Erin Fitzsimmons


Expect a class that is a blend of both worlds: movement and rest. Guided meditation, breath work, slower, engaging movements and longer holds bring you into the present moment. Glide into more restorative postures toward the end of class to give your body and mind the rest it deserves.

Props like bolsters, blankets and blocks are encouraged to create a support system and bring comfort to your practice.

This class is warm to create softness in the muscles but not warm enough to overwhelm.

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